How We Do It

The My Medical Navigator experience is designed to create a simple and effective course of action to overcome the barriers that exist in today’s healthcare delivery system, at a fair and affordable price.

Roadmap to Accessible and Affordable Care

MMN helps organizations achieve these objectives by adopting five service strategies. Employers will then realize a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce, while also reducing the financial burden of healthcare costs for both themselves, and their employees.

Promote Health Literacy and Transparency

Teach employees how to best align their medical utilization with their plan policies and adopt informed healthcare spending behaviors to avoid costly out of pocket expenses. We will provide you the tools to help make affordable care accessible.

Champion Avoidable Costs

Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate. Prepayment high-dollar claims, employee out-of-pocket expenses, out-of-network services, and predictive and routine claim auditing.

Complex (or not so complex) Claim Navigation

Take the burden away from employees and Human Resources. We review and consolidate all bills and reconcile carrier payments to plan policies, denials, over-payments, out-of-network surprise billing, and benefit access.

Cost Containment

Shop around to find the best price/value options with up to 80% savings in categories such as retail pharmaceuticals. We identify cost drivers and utilization trends to ensure plan designs and education align with your budgetary objectives.

Independent Advocacy

Align the healthcare needs of your organization and maintain compliance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act, without biased market influencers or conflicts of interest. Ensure your employees have someone on their side when dealing with the complexity of the healthcare system.